At the beginning of 2001, I embarked on a project for new government and embassy buildings in Berlin. .
The sophisticated architecture, the signs of power on the Spree are my theme.
When I had just set up my large format camera in the foreign office just on September 11, 2001 the devastating Attack on the World Trade Centertook place. All permits obtained up to that point were suspended for 2 years. It was only in 2003 that I was able to continue the series.
And timeless shots of an architecture that in part already has a checkered history behind it were taken.
For instance, this foreign office was the building of the Reichsbank in the Third Reich during the times of the GDR. The Ministry of Finance resided there, later on the Central Committee of the SED.
Bridges as a sign of communication, of connection, of making a stretch easier, of bridging obstacles are the subject of this series.
The result are timeless photos of the architecture, which also put the bridge in the respective context. A more viral series called Shots of the Storebelt Bridgedoes not solely display a night atmosphere of the nearly finished structure. Even the disused ferries in the foreground allude to the incessant change of time.
Santiago de Calatrava has always incorporated elements from nature into his architecture. Pillars support the roofs like trees branching overhead, entrance gates open like eyelids. Before the Lisbon Expo I designed a traffic junction. The subway, bus station and railway meet in one building right in front of the Expo's main entrance. In Valencia, Calatrava 's hometown, ,he built the City of Arts and Sciences amid a dried up river valley. I have taken pictures there using his large format camera.
The result is timeless shots of a structure that, thanks to the light and the natural movement in the flow of lines, is not only majestic but soothing at the same time.
The long-term goal is an exhibition of the best work in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.